• Lightworker Share Your Light is a beautiful guided meditation for all awakened souls who wish to send divine love and  healing out into the world.
  • The weeping willow is one of my favorite trees. It has such a magical aura when it's branches sway. It was this magical dance that inspired me to create this guided meditation for you.
  • Journey to Your Self - How to Heal from Trauma walks the reader not only through my own story of abuse and recovery, but is also a hands-on guide for anyone who is ready to heal. 
  • Imagine a piece of jewelry that was designed specifically for you. Not just custom made, but adorned with genuine gemstone and crystal beads that were chosen by the angels explicitly for you to support your health and well-being, hopes and dreams, path and purpose.  
  • This necklace just goes with anything! Whether you wear a suit, t-shirt, or your little black dress. Black, rose gold and sterling silver make every outfit shine. And the added lava bead allows you to wear your favorite essential oil.
  • This necklace features 2 Lave beads. Lava is known for its wonderful ability to absorb the scents of essential oils. Simply use a drop of your favorite scent or choose one from the list below and add it to one or all of the beads on this bracelet. Lava was formed when liquid fire erupted from deep inside the earth and cooled down on the surface, which gives this stone an intense, yet very calming and grounding energy.
  • If you are a fan of the TV Show 'Arrow' chances are good that you have seen this necklace in Season 6 Episode 1 and Episode 15 sparkle around the neck of Felicity Smoak, played by Emily Beth Rickard.
  • This beautiful set of earrings features a Malachite bead as well as a Tree of Life charm. Among other things Malachite is known for its ability to bring to the surface what is blocking our spiritual growth. It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviates shyness and teaches the responsibility for one's own thoughts and actions. It also supports friendships and empathy for other people.
  • These beautiful earrings were created with the use of a Lava Stone. Lava Stone is known for its wonderful ability to absorb the scents of essential oils. Simply add a drop of your favorite scent and have it swirling about your head and bring you joy whenever you wear these earrings. Lava stone was formed by liquid fire, which erupted from deep inside the earth and cooled down on the surface. Which gives this stone an intense, yet very calming and grounding energy.
  • A beautiful set of purple Sugilite earrings. Wear them with jeans or with your little black dress. The featured Swarovski crystal adds just enough bling and playfulness for the princess in you yet adds enough simplicity to complement any outfit or occasion.
  • Good Luck

    We all can use a bit of luck sometimes. Therefore, I have been inspired to create a bracelet which gives just that. A whole lot of luck.
  • Good Luck

    We all can use a bit of luck sometimes. Therefore, I have been inspired to create a bracelet which gives just that. A whole lot of luck.
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