Terms & Conditions
Thank you for taking the time to read the Terms & Conditions. I believe it is imperative that we inform ourselves of every aspect before we make our decision to commit to a service or purchase. Please let me know if you have any questions about any part of this section.
Insurance Coverage
Offering a unique approach to trauma healing as I do comes with its trials and tribulations, one of which is that it is incredibly tough to be able to offer insurance for my clients. However, after years of searching and trying, I am happy to announce the most of my services are now able to be claimed by many Canadian insurances.
To find out if your Canadian insurance will cover my services, inquire if they cover naturopathic services.
Please note: Group insurance companies that will not reimburse you for my sessions are: Blue Cross, Industrial Alliance, Canada Life and Equitable Life of Canada.
My Values and Work Ethics
One thing that you need to know about me is that I don’t sugar coat things. Trauma healing is tough enough as it is, we don’t need to be coddled while doing it. I am also dead honest. I tell you like it is, I point out what I see. What you also need to know is that it all comes from a place of love. I used to be deeply traumatized once. I know how hard it is to live with that pain. But, I also know how incredible it is to finally leave it behind.
And it is this knowing of how incredible your life will become once you are free of whatever is holding you back from getting there, why I am so determined on pulling you forward. You are so worth it! You deserve everything you ever dreamed of. And the only thing standing in your way is you. Your trauma, your limiting beliefs, your constricting view of yourself and the world. The quicker we can release all that, the sooner you will be able to create the life you always wanted.
When you decide that you are ready to heal from trauma and reclaim your life, I will be with you every step of the way. I will be your rock, if you need to lean on someone’s shoulder. I will be your cheerleader whenever you have a realization, aha-moment, epiphany, or breakthrough. I will be your guide through the maze of feelings, emotions, flashbacks, hopes and dreams. You will feel safe to explore your past, present, and future. Because only when you feel safe will you be able to truly let go and immerse yourself into the healing process.
I will give you my all to support you in your healing journey. But no matter how much I am willing to give and invest in you, the same level of commitment must come from you. You must be willing to give your all to yourself. Then, and only then will you be able to set yourself free and reclaim your life.
What I am offering you is not just therapy or coaching. What I am offering you is a complete overhaul of your life. Once we made the decision to work together, I won’t give up on you, no matter how hard it may sometimes feel to push through an obstacle. But success is only possible if you also never give up on yourself. Together, we can change your world.
Free Consultation
The free consultation is a complementary session facilitated by zoom video conferencing to give you the opportunity to get to know me and for us to discuss the core issue in your life right now, as well as determining the best course of action for your goals. Before this free consultation, you will receive a questionnaire to complete and then return to me, so you can benefit from the time with me the most.
Your time is just as valuable as mine. You can be sure that I wont use our free consultation to try and lock you into any program or session sequence, or won’t suggest to you anything that you don’t need or want. On the contrary. You will feel heard, cared about, informed, educated, and empowered to decide for yourself whether you are ready to begin your healing journey with me. If you choose to begin working with me, we will have come to that conclusion together.
The free consultation is a high value service I offer at absolutely no charge to you. Please be mindful of the time and preparation it takes for me to be present for you in this first meeting we share. If you can not make it to this free consultation, please cancel or reschedule within 24 hours of our scheduled meeting. It would be a shame if I had to implement a $50 set-up fee for a free consultation that would be reimbursed after the session took place only to honor my time and value. Therefore, please be respectful of my time that I am giving to you free of charge and cancel or reschedule your session if you can’t make it.
Should the questionnaire not be returned to me before your free consultation, I have to assume that you are not ready to heal your trauma and transform your life. Should you wish to proceed with your free consultation without returning the filled in questionnaire, please let me know. Otherwise, your session will be cancelled.
Contracts & Agreements
Contracts and agreements are an important part of my services. The contract or agreement has to be signed and returned to me before we begin our work together. This document will provide you with everything you need to know in terms of your rights, my rights, fees, rescheduling, cancellation, termination and of course statement of confidentiality.
Traumatic Incident Reduction
Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) is a unique trauma healing modality. It is highly focused, directive, and controlled, person-centered, non-interpretive, and nonjudgmental. TIR is a powerful tool to release virtually any trauma-related condition successfully in a short period of time. TIR has also been successful in treating specific phobias, depression, and anxiety, as well as the need for substance abuse and other destructive behavior. For more information about TIR, please refer to Traumatic Incident Reduction Association.
Before we begin our sessions, you will receive a TIR Agreement, as well as Statement of Confidentiality that needs to be signed and returned to me.
TIR Sessions are held in session sequences of about 5-6 sessions per traumatic incident. It is imperative that you see it through, no matter how tough it may be at times. I’ve got you. And together we can help you release this traumatic event once and for all.
The fee for TIR Sessions is $125.00 per session. I do not charge for overtime.
Coaching Programs & Packages
Coaching is a partnership (defined as an alliance, not a legal business partnership) between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize personal and professional potential.
1. Coach agrees to maintain the Code of Ethics and standards of behavior set out by the International Coach Federation.
2. Coachee is responsible for creating and implementing his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results. As such, the Coachee agrees that the Coach is not and will not be liable for any actions or inaction, or for any direct or indirect result of any services provided by the Coach. Coachee understands coaching is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy if needed, and does not prevent, cure, or treat any mental disorder or medical disease.
3. Coachee understands that coaching is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by legal, mental, medical or other qualified professionals and will seek independent professional guidance for such matters. If Coachee is currently under the care of a mental health professional, Coach will recommend that Coachee inform the mental health care provider and the client may need to have a referral letter from their health care provider.
4. Coachee agrees to communicate honestly, be open to feedback and assistance and create the time and energy to participate fully in the program.
Schedule & Fees.
Coaching sessions are $250.00 per session and can be purchased individually or in packages of 4, 8 or 12 sessions of $600, $1200 or $1600 per chosen package. Payment can be made via E-transfer (Canadian Residents only), or via PayPal invoicing.
If rates change before this agreement has been signed and dated, the prevailing rates will apply.
The coaching sessions will be held by phone or zoom video conferencing.