• 'Electromagnetic Force, also known as EMF, is the voltage developed by any source of electrical energy such as a battery or dynamo.' Being exposed to EMF waves over a long period of time can result in many different health issues like headache, fatigue, stress, sleep disturbances, skin symptoms like prickling, burning sensations and rashes, pain and ache in muscles and many other health problems. Unfortunately, it is pretty much impossible to avoid EMF waves. They are created by microwaves, computers, cell phones, cell towers, and many other electrical devices. To help protect you from these harmful radio waves, I have created this bracelet. The stones on this bracelet are all excellent protection and shielding stones from EMF Waves, electro-smog and environmental pollution. This is a great gift for anyone who works at the computer all day or is in close proximity to cell phones or any other electrical devices.
  • Many times I have been asked if I would create a bracelet that could help someone to connect with celestial beings like angels and spirit guides. Since am working with Spirit Guides myself, I was only too happy oblige. The crystals on this bracelet are some of the best for angel communication. HOWEVER, being able to see and communicate with celestial beings is a spiritual process which requires a person to raise their energy to a higher level. Celestial beings exist in the 5th dimension. Our minds currently exist in the 4th. So in order to actually see Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters on a regular basis, a person has to increase their spiritual vibration to match the vibration of the realm of angels. The crystals on this bracelet can not only close the gap between the 4th and 5th dimensions during meditation, but can also support a person in raising their energy to the level of the celestial realms in general.
  • Diabetes

    Living with Diabetes is not an easy way of life. I can emphasize since I had gestational diabetes during my pregnancy. I created this bracelet to help keep the blood sugar more in balance. 
  • Depression

    The crystal beads on this bracelet are selected for their uplifting and grounding energy. This healing bracelet can help the wearer overcome any level of depression. It can put a smile on your face and bring sunshine into your heart.
  • Anxiety

    We all feel nervous or worried at times. This type of anxiety can be a helpful feeling when it motivates us or warns us of danger. An anxiety disorder, on the other hand, causes unexpected or unhelpful anxiety that seriously impacts our lives, including how we think, feel, and act. The crystal beads on this healing bracelet are selected for their grounding, calming and balancing properties to help with any level of anxiety.
  • Bipolar

    Bipolar Disorder, or Manic Depression is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. The stones on this bracelet are selected for their balancing energy and for their Lithium content. Lithium has shown beneficial in the treatment of bipolar disorder. 
  • Insomnia

    Not being able to quiet the mind and sleep can be maddening. To battle insomnia, I created this healing bracelet. All the stones selected can promote sleep, relaxation and balance. Especially the combination of Jet and Amber is energetically a strong power package of sleep aid. 
  • Insomnia

    Not being able to quiet the mind and sleep can be maddening. To battle insomnia, I created this healing bracelet. All the stones selected can promote sleep, relaxation and balance. Especially the combination of Jet and Amber is energetically a strong power package of sleep aid. 
  • Arthritis

    If you suffer from arthritis you know how painful it can get and how badly you wish for some relief. For years magnetic and copper jewelry has been praised for its positive effect on arthritis. This healing bracelet has not only the two most common stones/metals attached to bring you relief, but also five other stones which have proven to be beneficial in the support of arthritis.
  • Asthma

    Asthma is one of the most common lung diseases today. It can range from being annoying to terrifying, when an asthma attack occurs. The crystals on this bracelet are selected for their positive impact on an asthma attack. They can help to decrease its severity and reduce its duration.
  • Stress

    Stress - we all suffer from it. There is no one on this planet who has not been confronted with stress in any form. Stress at work, stress at home, stress in traffic, stress when out shopping. Basically any situation can cause us to feel stressed. Even though in some situations, stress can be a good thing, in general it is not. And the long term side effect of too much stress can greatly influence our overall well-being.  To conquer stress and reach a state of tranquility and serenity, I created this bracelet. It is full of vibrant yet calming colors and each gemstone has a wonderful soothing energy. 
  • Weight gain can have many different causes, least of them have to do with love of food. Weight gain can have emotional, or physical reasons. It can also be a protection or defense mechanism after trauma. This bracelet has stones selected which can help increase metabolism, will-power, self-esteem, suppressing hunger, and determination to stay on track. But also stones to help heal the underlying issues of the weight gain.
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