Refunds & Cancellation Policy
Thank you for taking the time to read my Refund & Cancellation Policy. I believe it is imperative that we inform ourselves of every aspect before we make our decision to commit to a service or purchase. Please let me know if you have any questions about any part of this section.
Individual Coaching Session
The Client agrees that it is his/her responsibility to notify Sandra Cooze at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled call/meeting if he/she cannot make the session to either reschedule or receive a full refund. Sessions that have been cancelled in under 24 hours, or where clients have been a no show are non refundable. Sandra Cooze will wait for 15 minutes, before the client is noted as not turning up for the session.
Coaching Packages & Coaching Programs
Coaching packages, coaching programs, couples coaching programs, etc. are to be paid in full and are only refundable in full within 48 hours of purchase, as long as no session has been facilitated before then. After the 48 hours have passed, or once the first coaching session has been facilitated – whichever happens first- coaching packages & coaching programs become non-refundable.
The Client agrees that it is his/her responsibility to notify Sandra Cooze at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled call/meeting if he/she cannot make the session to reschedule. Sandra Cooze will wait for 15 minutes, before the client is noted as not turning up for the session.
A missed session as part of a coaching program or package can only be rescheduled within the same week as the missed session and is based upon availability of Sandra Cooze. The coaching package or program will continue for the duration it has been set up as. Missed sessions that were not rescheduled can be purchased as individual sessions after the coaching program or package has been completed to finish the entirety of the program or package.
Cancellation and Lateness Policy
Client agrees that it is the his/her responsibility to notify Sandra Cooze at least 24 hours in advance of the scheduled call/meeting if the he/she can’t make the session. Client will be billed for a missed session if the he/she does not turn up or reschedule. Sandra Cooze will wait for 15 minutes, before the client is noted as not turning up for the session.
It is upon the Client’s discretion when he/she chooses to terminate his/her sessions. Sandra Cooze reserves the right to terminate the sessions with the client, should Sandra Cooze be of the opinion that T.I.R. proves not to be the best course of treatment for the client at this time, the client becomes violent during sessions due to emotional outbursts, or otherwise threatening to the Sandra Cooze.
Readings are non-refundable once received. If client changes his/her mind about receiving a reading you purchased, he/she must notify Sandra Cooze within 12 hours of their decision for a refund. After the 12 hour mark has passed, Sandra Cooze will begin creating the client’s reading at which point it is no longer refundable. Readings include Tarot, Soul Realignment, Property Realignment, and Ancestral Clearing Sessions, as well as any readings that will be added in the future.
Reiki and other Energy Work
Energy work of any kind is non-refundable once received. To cancel an Energy Work Session, client must contact Sandra Cooze no later than 24 hours before the agreed upon date and time. If cancelled less than 24 hours before the agreed upon time, or if the client is a no-show for the session without informing Sandra Cooze of their unavailability, no refund will be given.