Empath Protection


Being an Empath is a very special gift. But this gift comes with a lot of responsibility for others and for one’s self. Feeling other people’s emotions can be very draining, which can interfere with your life and your healing work.

Every Empath holds within himself the ability to heal, but not every Empath chooses to practice natural healing and that is perfectly all right. Whether you choose to embrace your gift or not, you should find a way to protect yourself from all the emotions of others which you keep absorbing.

To protect you from emotional overload, I created this bracelet. it has stones selected which can help ground, cleanse, and protect an Empath and allow her to have more control over who she opens up to.



Being an Empath is a very special gift. But this gift comes with a lot of responsibility for others and for one’s self. Feeling other people’s emotions can be very draining, which can interfere with your life and your healing work.

Every Empath holds within himself the ability to heal, but not every Empath chooses to practice natural healing and that is perfectly all right. Whether you choose to embrace your gift or not, you should find a way to protect yourself from all the emotions of others which you keep absorbing.

To protect you from emotional overload, I created this bracelet. it has stones selected which can help ground, cleanse, and protect an Empath and allow her to have more control over who she opens up to.



helps balance emotions

Hematite (Magnetite)
helps to align, balance, and ground, and to reduce energy overload in Empaths and Energy Healers

is very useful in balancing one’s emotional body and calming the mind

promotes self-love and universal love and protects the wearer from negative energies

Protects from negative emotions and negative energies

repels negative energy, balances emotions and grounds

repels negative energy, relieves depression and mood swings

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