My Spiritual Jewelry is specifically designed to support you on your journey. In this section you will find bracelets like Empath Protection, 15 Archangels, Spirit Guide Connection and much more.

If you can’t find a bracelet for your specific needs in this section, please reach out. I would be happy to create a divinely channeled bracelet for your.

  • 'According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend the rest of their lives in search of their other halves. And so, when a person meets the half that is his very own, whatever his orientation, whether it's two young men or not, then something wonderful happens: the two are struck from their senses by love, by a sense of belonging to one another, and by desire, and they don't want to be separated from one another, not even for a moment.' (Plato's The Symposium) This bracelet is for all Twinflames who have found one another and for all those who are still searching for one another.
  • Twinflame

    'According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings, condemning them to spend the rest of their lives in search of their other halves. And so, when a person meets the half that is his very own, whatever his orientation, whether it's two young men or not, then something wonderful happens: the two are struck from their senses by love, by a sense of belonging to one another, and by desire, and they don't want to be separated from one another, not even for a moment.' (Plato's The Symposium) This bracelet is for all Twinflames who have found one another and for all those who are still searching for one another.
  • Many times I have been asked if I would create a bracelet that could help someone to connect with celestial beings like Angels and Spirit Guides. Since I am working with Angels and Spirit Guides myself, I was only too happy to oblige. The crystals on this bracelet are some of the best for angel communication. HOWEVER, being able to see and communicate with celestial beings is a spiritual process which requires a person to raise their energy to a higher level. Celestial beings exist in the 5th dimension. Our minds currently exist in the 4th. So in order to actually see Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters on a regular basis, a person has to increase their spiritual vibration to match the vibration of the realm of angels. The crystals on this bracelet can not only close the gap between the 4th and 5th dimensions during meditation, but can also support a person in raising their energy to the level of the celestial realms in
  • Many times I have been asked if I would create a bracelet that could help someone to connect with celestial beings like angels and spirit guides. Since am working with Spirit Guides myself, I was only too happy oblige. The crystals on this bracelet are some of the best for angel communication. HOWEVER, being able to see and communicate with celestial beings is a spiritual process which requires a person to raise their energy to a higher level. Celestial beings exist in the 5th dimension. Our minds currently exist in the 4th. So in order to actually see Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters on a regular basis, a person has to increase their spiritual vibration to match the vibration of the realm of angels. The crystals on this bracelet can not only close the gap between the 4th and 5th dimensions during meditation, but can also support a person in raising their energy to the level of the celestial realms in general.
  • Many times I have been asked if I would create a bracelet that could help someone to connect with celestial beings like angels and spirit guides. Since am working with Spirit Guides myself, I was only too happy oblige. The crystals on this bracelet are some of the best for angel communication. HOWEVER, being able to see and communicate with celestial beings is a spiritual process which requires a person to raise their energy to a higher level. Celestial beings exist in the 5th dimension. Our minds currently exist in the 4th. So in order to actually see Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters on a regular basis, a person has to increase their spiritual vibration to match the vibration of the realm of angels. The crystals on this bracelet can not only close the gap between the 4th and 5th dimensions during meditation, but can also support a person in raising their energy to the level of the celestial realms in general.
  • Being able to offer Tarot or any other psychic reading like Oracle Cards, Pendulum Dowsing, Crystal Ball, Tea Leaves, Coffee Grinds, or Palmistry is an amazing gift. Of course, divination has always and will always be very controversy. Some believe in it, some don't. And that is perfectly all right. I created this bracelet after I had an encounter with a very negative entity during one of my Tarot Readings. Even after smudging (cleansing with white sage) the reading room and myself, I could not stop shaking and I froze terrible for quite a while. This experience really shook me to my core. Before this reading, I had never experienced evil energy. This bracelet has stones selected which can be helpful to give a satisfying reading, even though your client may just be trying to test your abilities, or does not believe in this 'nonsense'. ;) But it also has stones selected which will protect you from any form of negativity that you may encounter throughout your reading.
  • Being able to offer Tarot or any other psychic reading like Oracle Cards, Pendulum Dowsing, Crystal Ball, Tea Leaves, Coffee Grinds, or Palmistry is an amazing gift. Of course, divination has always and will always be very controversy. Some believe in it, some don't. And that is perfectly all right. I created this bracelet after I had an encounter with a very negative entity during one of my Tarot Readings. Even after smudging (cleansing with white sage) the reading room and myself, I could not stop shaking and I froze terrible for quite a while. This experience really shook me to my core. Before this reading, I had never experienced evil energy. This bracelet has stones selected which can be helpful to give a satisfying reading, even though your client may just be trying to test your abilities, or does not believe in this 'nonsense'. ;) But it also has stones selected which will protect you from any form of negativity that you may encounter throughout your reading.
  • Being able to offer Tarot or any other psychic reading like Oracle Cards, Pendulum Dowsing, Crystal Ball, Tea Leaves, Coffee Grinds, or Palmistry is an amazing gift. Of course, divination has always and will always be very controversy. Some believe in it, some don't. And that is perfectly all right. I created this bracelet after I had an encounter with a very negative entity during one of my Tarot Readings. Even after smudging (cleansing with white sage) the reading room and myself, I could not stop shaking and I froze terrible for quite a while. This experience really shook me to my core. Before this reading, I had never experienced evil energy. This bracelet has stones selected which can be helpful to give a satisfying reading, even though your client may just be trying to test your abilities, or does not believe in this 'nonsense'. ;) But it also has stones selected which will protect you from any form of negativity that you may encounter throughout your reading.
  • This bracelet is for the avid gardener, the Farmer, the hobby or professional botanist or nature lover. It has stones selected which resonate with the sun, the moon and the elements.
  • This bracelet is for the avid gardener, the Farmer, the hobby or professional botanist or nature lover. It has stones selected which resonate with the sun, the moon and the elements.
  • This bracelet is for the avid gardener, the Farmer, the hobby or professional botanist or nature lover. It has stones selected which resonate with the sun, the moon and the elements.
  • Good Luck

    We all can use a bit of luck sometimes. Therefore, I have been inspired to create a bracelet which gives just that. A whole lot of luck.
  • Good Luck

    We all can use a bit of luck sometimes. Therefore, I have been inspired to create a bracelet which gives just that. A whole lot of luck.
  • We all can use a bit of luck sometimes. Therefore, I have been inspired to create a Charm Bracelet which gives just that. A whole lot of luck.
  • Focus

    We all know the jitters we get when we have exams coming up, being on stage for an audition, or having to give a speech in front of a room full of people.  Whenever you need to keep a cool head this Chakra Bracelet can be your best friend. It has stones selected which will keep you grounded and stay calm and focused when you need it most. 
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