• So many people are trapped in addictions because they were looking for comfort in the wrong places after a terrible tragedy. This bracelet can help people with any number of addictions to free themselves from its grasps and to heal the cause that brought them to this place. The stones selected have a strong yet gentle energy to guide the wearer away from this destructive path and back to a better place to start their life again.
  • Menopause is a time in every woman's life most of us are dreading for one reason or another. Many changes occur in that time. Our bodies are preparing for the next stage in our life. Our emotions run high, we are excited that the dreaded monthly visitor finally seizes, but we are also sad that we leave the child bearing age behind us and often longingly look at every baby or every pregnant woman we see. And let's not forget the sudden onset of hot flashes. My grandma used to call them 'The Flying Heat' because they just happen out of nowhere.   
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