Mercury Retrograde Special

Whenever Mercury moves Retrograde, you see people rolling their eyes, hear them sighing deeply, and taking cover. You see them carrying large amounts of crystals, sage, and other protection, and cleansing tools.
I used to be one of them. But, over the past few years I have learned that the time when Mercury moves Retrograde is a time we should cherish and use to our advantage. Why? Because each time, Mercury brings to the surface what we need to work on. Of course, it is those things we rather not look at. But since they are being pushed right into our consciousness, we might as well deal with them once and for all, am I right?
To support you during these taxing times, I have created a compilation of unique spiritual approaches, which are all wonderful tools to use Mercury Retrograde to your advantage.
Mercury Retrograde Dates of 2023
What is entailed in this offer?
Divine Light Healing
Divine Light Healing is a compilation of Reiki, Cord Cutting, Aura Cleansing, Chakra Balancing, and Spiritual Parasite Cleansing. Truly a powerful approach to bring deep healing for body, mind, and soul. Fitting to be a part of the Mercury Retrograde Special
Divine Ancestral Healing
Let’s take a trip into your Soul Room within the Akashic Records and see which past life, ancestral, and generational attachments your Soul is ready to release, and which past life, ancestral, and generational strengths, gifts, and knowledge we can activate for you at this time.
Divine Tarot
My tarot readings are very intuitive and give you an overview of the coming six months.
Divine Coaching
In this divinely guided session we will look at your current struggles and explore possible solutions, empowering exercises, and other unique ways to support you in mastering the next few months with all their challenges.
After our time together you will feel calmer, more balanced both mentally and emotionally, empowered, and have the clarity, as well as action steps to continue in your journey of Life.